Your time is precious, we created the solution to not waste it.


The right space, in few clicks!

Log into your Voome account: you will be amazed by how simple it is to find and reserve the space you need and schedule your appointments! Our platform will show you all the available locations in real-time, just name what you need: a desk for the whole day? A meeting room with a videoconferencing system from 2 AM to 4 PM? A few clicks and you will get your reservation instantly.

Our software really simplifies working life. Discover all the advantages you can get!

You’ll be able to easily manage your workspaces and screens, on your own. Try the QR Code!

You’ll also manage your users and accounts with different right and permissions;

You’ll be able to show events timeline and digital signage contents on any screens;

Using the Calendar you’ll book your spaces with just one click! The automatic wayfinding system will make your moving easier!

Using the agenda you’ll schedule and promote all the events!

Voome security helps keep data safe and private. Our trusted cloud security and privacy safeguards enable organisations to maintain compliance with industry and regional requirements. Voome Cloud is certified and our Network Operation Center is active 24/7/365 to keep it safe.



Discover why our platform is so great:

It has been specially designed for the world of retail in all its forms, from commercial chains to single points of sale; You have in your hands the complete management of any multimedia content and the possibility of distributing it on all the screens of your network; There is no need for specific personnel to use the platform, given the simplicity of its use; You can independently create and update price lists and playlists using keywords; Have digital support for online sales thanks to the Shop Assistant function; The platform can be integrated with the most important programmatic advertising systems and with the most popular social media feeds.

© 2023 Voome® S.r.l. IT11493810961, Registered Office: via Pergine 12, 20148 Milan (Italy), Operative Branch: Viale Lombardia 51/53, 20861 Brugherio (MB, Italy)